Sadly I couldn't play the first game since I don't have a gaming panel, only I was absolutely excited when i constitute out that the second X-men Legends game would too exist made for the PC. Speaking as an X-men fan..this game is great! About xx playable characters (X-Men + The Brotherhood), cool powers (tho it did somewhat carp me that some nosotros're not equal to the powers in the comics, for example Wolverine doesn't automatically heal), good voice-work (I really like the fact that they only used Patrick Stewart from the movies in this game), the story in the game is quite good (even tho a bit cliché, but information technology'south obvious that Raven did endeavor and succeed in creating a good comic-book story), the AI is OK i suppose (you only command one x-man at a time, the other 3 that are in your squad are controlled by the computer merely they really do seem to be able to have intendance of themselves quite well), the Danger Room (a cool thing, where you get to beat challenges and level up)..This part of the game is very well washed and deserves praise. But speaking as a gamer..The game is adequately easy and soon you become the feeling that it's all just a routine (a fun one tho) when you keep beating up zounds and zounds of enemies, most of the levels are quite well-washed, just it'southward obvious that some parts are only there for you to kill a lot of enemies and Level Upwardly. The graphics make up a skilful comic-book feel and are good, but nothing really special...I'd give this game a seven/x, it has plenty of action, the story/characters are good, X-men and the Brotherhood squad up, fun and exciting boss fights and it's quite long. Otherwise it's a bit too easy and a bit routinely washed...
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